What we do
Learning & Support
Inspire offers education which reflects national curricula as well as qualifications in core skills, personal and social development, employability skills, life skills and English for Speakers of Other Languages.
We have a dedicated education team led by a GTC registered teacher with a wide background in all levels of school-based education in the UK. Their role is to coordinate an individual education pathway for our young people. This can be through us as an approved awarding body centre, or identified specialist provision, employability programmes, supporting mainstream education or a combination of these.
We are not a school and, while school attendance can present challenges, we are aware of the benefits of education within a formal setting. Where it is in their best interests, we will always promote school attendance for our children and young people. Where this is not possible, we can offer alternatives.
However, where young people are of compulsory school age, we will strive to support them to re-engage with schooling when the time is right for them. For other young people, we will support them to access further education placement or pursue a career.
Our flexible, integrated approach identifies the best route to allow the young person to reach their potential, experience success in gaining qualifications, and supports positive educational experiences. We are committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for all.
“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them”